Paramsothy Thananjeyan
Computer Science Instructor
Dr. Thananjeyan completed his B.Tech. from the Indian Institute of Technology at Chennai, India, his M.S in Civil Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Minnesota, at Minneapolis, and his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. After completing his studies, he continued to work as a transportation consultant and contributed to over 25 transportation and transit planning reports, traffic impact study reports, and the transportation sections of environmental impact reports for various private and public agencies. In 1998, he joined Berkeley City College as a Computer Science Instructor, where he developed and taught various programming and networking classes.
During his spare time, he enjoys playing tennis and walking/hiking. Recently he started playing golf and hopes to improve soon.
Al-Deek, H., Khattak, A., and Thananjeyan, P. “A Combined Traveler Behavior and Transportation System Performance Model with ATIS,” Transportation Research – Part A, Vol. 32 A.,No. 7, (1998). (Updated report of PATH Research Report UCB-ITS-PRR-94-06.)
Thananjeyan, P. “Traffic Flow on Rectangular Grid Network with Advanced Information,” Ph.D. Dissertation, UCB-ITS-DS-97-01, Institute of Transportation Studies, Berkeley, California, 1997.
Khattak, A., Hickman, M., Gould, P., and Thananjeyan, P. “Advanced Public Transportation Systems: A Taxonomy, Commercial Availability and Development-Phase II,” PATH Research Report, UCB-ITS-PRR-97-16, Institute of Transportation Studies, Berkeley, California, 1997.
Thananjeyan, P., and Homburger, W. “Components of High-Occupancy Vehicle Systems,” UCB-ITS-RR-97-2, Institute of Transportation Studies, Berkeley, California, 1997.
Thananjeyan, P., Khattak, A., Lovell, D., and Kanafani, A. “PLANiTS: Organization and Integration of Modules,” PATH Research Report UCB-ITS-PRR-95-18, Institute of Transportation Studies, Berkeley, California, 1995.
Khattak, A., Al-Deek, H., and Thananjeyan, P. “ComBehQ: A Combined Behavioral and Queuing Model User’s Guide,” PATH Technical Note 955, Institute of Transportation Studies, Berkeley, California, 1995.