Grey P.
About Me
Hello! My name is Clara Grey (I go by Grey), and I am a full-time senior at Stanford OHS. I live on an island in the Puget Sound of Washington State. Most people think the water is too cold for swimming, but we do it anyway! I learned to ride a horse before I could ride a bike, and I have been a competitive equestrian ever since. Student government at Stanford OHS is another huge part of my life and allows me to be involved with students of all ages at Stanford OHS. It is always a struggle to choose a favorite subject, but neuroscience, philosophy, ethics, and Latin are definitely at the top of my list.
Why I Chose Stanford OHS
When I was considering Stanford OHS and going through the ambassador page, I thought everyone seemed incredibly impressive. If these were what the students where like, I even questioned if I was a qualified candidate. But deep down, I knew that this was the type of person I aspired to be. What I found was a school that gave me the skills and the runway to become the student I wanted to be. I didn’t realize it at the time but looking back each year at Stanford OHS has enabled me to grow—what I didn’t think I could handle in 8th grade I could handle in 9th, what seemed daunting in 10th grade came easily in 11th. As my foundation solidified, so did my ability to take risks.
An aspect of Stanford OHS that I cannot emphasize enough is its ability to allow student to pursue passions outside of school. This was a major reason I chose Stanford OHS. Being a competitive equestrian requires a tremendous time commitment. It is entirely possible to combine this with a rigorous education, but only if that education comes in a flexible framework. Stanford OHS offers the ability to not have to compromise my educational goals or my extracurricular goals—they can coexist.
Through sixth grade, I was at a small brick & mortar school. It was a solid basic education, but problem solving and critical thought were not prioritized. At Stanford OHS, these topics are essential to every class section. It is not only intellectually stimulating but promotes growth beyond academic studies. These skills instill a level of confidence to take on really challenging material. Taking on challenging material, such as reading Kant in the 8th grade and understanding it, is empowering.
I went to a different online school in 7th grade. Although I appreciated the flexibility, I was looking for a higher level of engagement in the online classroom. At Stanford OHS, the expectations are high. You are expected to be on-camera and using the mic throughout each class, which creates accountability. It becomes like an in-person discussion, and the fact that you are online is incidental. Entering Stanford OHS as an 8th grader, I left open the option of attending my public high school. However, after a semester at Stanford OHS, I could never imagine leaving.
What I Love About Stanford OHS
At Stanford OHS, you’re never looking at the clock waiting for class to end. I look forward to every class. The learning environment is infectious: my instructors are incredible, and the level of engagement makes the learning so enjoyable. The typical number of classes to take in a year as a full-time student is four or five, but this year I took six; not because I felt like I needed to, but because, unless I took six, I would never be able to fit in all the courses I would love to take before I graduate. Throughout my time at Stanford OHS, older students have shared advice on courses I shouldn’t miss—I could spend another year here and still not take them all. The required curriculum ensures that students have a well-rounded foundation to work from but also allows students to deeply explore personal areas of interest. Even in applying to Stanford OHS, I do not think I fully grasped how unique and enriching my opportunities at this school would be. For instance, this year as a junior in Latin Prose & Poetry, we are publishing a book. To have the chance not only to publish work before graduating high school, but also to work on the publication with talented students who I have come through the years of Latin with, is an incredible experience.
When surrounded by driven and intellectually impressive students, you would expect Stanford OHS students to be competitive with one another, but students are incredibly supportive. There’s a vibe of “we’re in this together.” When our upper-level science course became challenging, my friends and I created a weekly study group where we pooled our strengths and helped each other better understand the material. Friendships within an online community bring out a lot of misconceptions. The grandparent question of “do you have any friends?” is all too familiar. Stanford OHS has created a structure in which engaging with other students comes naturally. My friends and I check in on each other daily; we study together, and we hang out on Fridays. Although this is done virtually, there are plenty of opportunities to spend time in person through meetups and on-campus events. The student body and the makeup of friendship groups is effortlessly diverse. Stanford OHS students live all over the world. The different perspectives and cultural backgrounds lead to fascinating in-class discussions and rich friendships. When I wake up in the morning, I say “good afternoon” to my friend in Germany, and when I go to bed at night, I say “good morning” to my friend in China.
I’m not suggesting everything is perfect! Performing chemistry experiments at the dining room table is not ideal for family harmony. As it turns out, burning various foods to determine calorie content does not create the most welcoming aromas. My friend, an international student, could not get the AP Biology dissection kit in her country and had to resort to dissecting a small, bloody worm from the local bait shop! There may be hurdles to overcome, but the reality is that the incredible experience and education at Stanford OHS is completely worth it.