Averie L.
About Me
Hello! I am Averie, a senior from Harlingen, Texas. This is my 6th year being a single course student at Stanford Online High School. I love learning about new topics especially history and reading, but I also enjoy environmental science. At Stanford OHS, I am a part of the Literature Club, Athletic Club, and Law Club. Outside of Stanford OHS I love playing varsity tennis with my brick-and-mortar high school. Here I have learned to grow as a person through this sport. I also love to spend time with my adorable basset hound, Holly! She always makes me laugh when I am feeling down. Throughout my life I have wanted to be many things such as a doctor and vet, but after taking my writing courses at Stanford OHS, I discovered my true career goal, a lawyer specializing international affairs.
What I Love About Stanford OHS
If I could describe Stanford Online High School in a phrase, it would be an “academic adventure of a lifetime.” I often joke with my family that I don’t go to Stanford OHS, Stanford OHS comes to me. This means high-quality education would not be possible if it were not for the unique virtual experience Stanford OHS offers. The distinctive environment the school offers spans from the moment a prospective student logs into the Adobe Connect room for the informative tour of Stanford OHS to courses to clubs. When a student logs into the Adobe Connect room, the chat explodes with active conversations, the courses encourage in-depth discussions about the topic the teacher chose for that week, and the clubs are clubs like no other. A new student would be surprised to learn the variety of clubs that students run to which the school makes available. Yes, the courses are challenging, but that is what makes them fun! Without the challenge, students would not have the deep discussions and in-depth learning we have. I still remember the first day I logged into Fundamentals of Expository Writing (JE001) thinking how the class was going to work, and the moment Mrs. Stanford started to speak, our discussion dove deeper. I was surprised and fascinated by the topic “The Veldt.”
Most people think since we go to online school, we must only do things that are virtual, not true. We have meet-ups such as regional ones, Pixel Graduation, Summer@Stanford, Pixel Fest, and Homecoming. I have attended several regional gatherings, Pixel Fest, Pixel Graduation, and Summer@Stanford, and they all have one thing in common – a lot of laughter! We have told jokes, funny stories, or even said funny things. These are some of my fondest memories.
Office hours are one major key to thriving at Stanford OHS. Office hours have saved me when I was stuck as I was writing papers and it helps relieve stress. The Writing and Tutoring Center is also important when you want to have a one-on-one thirty-minute or an hour conversation about your assignment or just when you need someone to help you form ideas, it’s the place to go. As my sixth year at Stanford Online High School class begins, I still wonder about what my life would be like without Stanford OHS and I always come to the same conclusion – I would not be who I am today.