This course will help students attain proficiency in an interactive setting by building on the basic Spanish language skills acquired in Spanish 1. Leveraging Spanish 1 concepts, Spanish 2 students learn to communicate more confidently about themselves and their hopes and fears, as well as about topics beyond their own lives both in formal and informal situations. Students will also deepen their knowledge of Spanish-speaking regions and cultures by being exposed to literary texts, poetry, history, politics, current events as well as key topics/debates common to contemporary cultural issues (e.g., race and ethnicity, gender, family, and globalization). Throughout the course, students are encouraged to find cultural relationships between the Hispanic world and the United States and between the production of the Spanish language and other fields of study of their own interest.
Course Number
High School
Credit per Semester
Spanish - Foundations/Spanish 1 (OSP11) or equivalent as determined by placement assessment and enrollment in grades 9-12.