Principles of Chemistry is a year-long seminar-style course that introduces the fundamental language, ideas, and tools used in the study of chemistry. This challenging introductory high school chemistry course covers key topics such as chemical nomenclature, stoichiometry, the periodic table, chemical bonding, equilibrium, solution chemistry, thermochemistry, and common laboratory practices. Emphasis is placed on the use of chemistry in the natural world, the physical world, and in our daily lives. The course fosters skills necessary to describe chemical processes and behaviors and to solve numerical and verbal problems in chemistry. Through at-home lab work, students learn useful chemistry laboratory techniques, gain the ability to formulate experimental questions, design scientific experiments, effectively articulate scientific findings, and strengthen understanding of course material. Upon completion, students will have a solid foundation in chemistry and will be prepared for more advanced work in biology and chemistry.
Course Number
High School
Credit per Semester
Middle-school or high-school science course and enrollment in Intermediate Algebra (OM012)
Additional Information
Fulfills one year of the Fundamental Science graduation requirement