Unity & Diversity of Biological Systems is a year-long seminar course that covers college-level introductory biology topics including molecular, cellular biology and genetics; anatomy, physiology, and diversity of plants, animals, and microbes; and ecology and evolution. Emphasis will be placed on the themes that unify biology including regulation of biological processes, energy transfer, continuity and change, evolution, the relationship between structure and function, emergent properties, interdependence in nature, the scientific process, and the relevance of biology in our everyday lives. Through virtual and at-home lab work (kit required), students will learn useful biological techniques, gain the ability to design scientific experiments, effectively communicate results, and strengthen their knowledge of material discussed in class.
Course Number
High School
Credit per Semester
Principles of Chemistry (OC005), or Analytical & Organic Chemistry (OC010A), or an equivalent year-long lab-based chemistry course with a passing score on the Biology placement assessment
Additional Information
Fulfills one year of the Fundamental Science graduation requirement