This year-long astrobiology course situates Earth within a Universe that is vast and strange. To inform the likelihood of finding life on other habitable planets, we investigate the conditions under which life arose on Earth. We engineer prototype solutions to some of the hurdles we will encounter as a new space-faring civilization. In the process of doing so, students will master the fundamentals of scientific measurement, engage with principles of design, and take part in citizen science initiatives pertaining to areas of current NASA research. In addition, we analyze themes of Sun, Moon, and stars in history, philosophy, and literature, reading and writing our own stories about the stars. Finally, we consider the technical, biological, ethical, and societal challenges associated with solar system exploration and planning a future for human life beyond Earth.
Course Number
High School
Credit per Semester
Foundations of Science: Energy & Matter (JS002) and enrollment in Beginning Algebra (OM011) or consent of instructor