"A tree with strong roots can withstand the most violent storm, but the tree can't grow roots just as the storm appears on the horizon." ~Dalai Lama. Experience tells us that life is not linear and that everybody encounters life storms, big and small. Our hope is that the OHS Wellness Program can help each student to grow stronger roots and not only withstand the storms that they may experience in their lives but also thrive. In the Wellness I course, students will meet synchronously with their Wellness Coach and classmates once a week throughout the year. They will engage in discussions and activities which will focus on their social emotional learning and the five core areas of the CASEL model: self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, social awareness, and responsible decision-making. Students additionally engage and track their physical fitness. Wellness I Coaches will also work 1-1 with their students, to identify individual wellness goals and provide general guidance in the wellness program. This program is offered to all full-time 9th grade and new 10th grade students and fulfills one year of the OHS wellness graduation requirement. It also meets the homeroom requirement for the year.
Course Number
High School
Additional Information
Graded as Pass/No Pass