Course Catalog 2024-25
Students enrolled as single course students are not eligible to take a Leadership, Homeroom, or Wellness course as their only course. Single course students may add Homeroom or Wellness in addition to their single academic course. New students enrolled in a single course are not eligible to take the following courses in their first year at Stanford OHS: Poetry, Drawing, Creative Writing, or the following Advanced Topics courses without the writing option: Philosophy, Literature, or Biological Research.
Discrete Mathematics (UM160)
This semester-long course develops the fundamental theory, structures, and techniques of discrete mathematics. Discrete mathematics is an extremely broad and...
Geometry of Numbers (UM170)
In this semester-long course, students will explore, discover, and prove fundamental properties of the lattice plane. We will formulate and...
Linear Algebra (UM51A)
A proof-based treatment of linear algebra. Topics include a theoretical exploration of matrix properties including building linear algebra from first...
Differential Equations (UM53A)
Basic techniques and methods for solving ordinary differential equations. Topics: linear, separable, and exact equations, existence and uniqueness theorems, difference...
Microeconomic Theory (OEC11)
Advanced Topics in Microeconomics (OEC15)
Computational Thinking and Computer Science (JCS01)
An introduction for middle school students to computational thinking and problem solving through computer programming, including identifying abstractions and developing...
Programming in C++: Techniques and Algorithms (OCS10)
This course introduces the fundamentals of C++ Programming including basic syntax, data types, expressions, control statements, functions, arrays, searching and...
Object Oriented Programming and Design (OCS20)
This course takes a deep-dive into object oriented programming, a modern programming paradigm for large-scale software design. Students will work...
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java (OCS25)
This year-long course continues and deepens students’ understanding and practice of object oriented programming. Students are expected to have familiarity...
Advanced Topics in Computer Science: Computer Systems (OCS35)
This course is an introduction to computer architecture and low-level programming. It describes the hardware architecture of the modern computer...
Inquiry-based Physics (JP001)
In this year-long course, students explore the fundamentals of physics through experimentation and discussion guided by the instructor. Through this...
Foundations in Science: Energy and Matter (JS002)
This year-long seminar-style course introduces students to the concepts that provide the foundation for physics, chemistry, and biology. Students will...
Life in the Cosmos (OASTR)
This year-long astrobiology course situates Earth within a Universe that is vast and strange. To inform the likelihood of finding...
Astrophysics (OASTR1)
This semester-long course introduces students to historical and modern astrophysics. Topics include the nature of light, the atom, telescopes, and...
Astronomy Research Seminar (OASTR2)
In this semester-long course, students investigate topics of current astronomical research. Using robotic telescopes from the Las Cumbres Observatory and...
Principles of Chemistry (OC005)
Principles of Chemistry is a year-long seminar-style course that introduces the fundamental language, ideas, and tools used in the study...
Principles of Physics (OP005)
Principles of Physics is a year-long, algebra-based, course designed to develop a strong conceptual understanding of physical principles. Students cultivate...
Environmental Science (OS005)
Environmental Science introduces students to fundamental topics in earth and environmental science, and emphasizes their connection to everyday life. Topics...
Unity & Diversity of Biological Systems (OB010A)
Unity & Diversity of Biological Systems is a year-long seminar course that covers college-level introductory biology topics including molecular, cellular...