Course Catalog 2025-26
Students enrolled as single course students are not eligible to take a Leadership, Homeroom, or Wellness course as their only course. Single course students may add Homeroom or Wellness in addition to their single academic course.
Logos, Cosmos, and Doubt (JLCD1)
This year-long course provides an interdisciplinary introduction to philosophical thinking and the modes of inquiry examined in the rest of...
Human Nature and Society (JHNS2)
This year-long course examines what it means to be human and to live in society with others. Drawing on short...
Methodology of Science - Biology (OMSB9)
This year-long course uses biology as the primary context for an introduction to scientific reasoning, statistical analysis, and philosophical thinking...
History and Philosophy of Science (OHSC0)
This year-long course examines the context in which science flourishes and the nature, benefits, and limitations of doing science by...
Democracy, Freedom, Justice, and the Law (ODFRL)
This year-long course examines the foundations of civil society. Drawing on both historical and theoretical materials, the students study changing...
Critical Reading and Argumentation (OCRA1)
In addition to the unique problems and questions that constitute its subject matter, philosophy makes use of a variety of...
Advanced Topics in Philosophy I (OPHI25)
Topic for Fall 2025: Free Will and Moral Responsibility. In this course we’ll engage with a set of perennial philosophical...
Advanced Topics in Philosophy II (OPHI26)
Topic for Spring 2026: Philosophy of Education. As a student, you almost certainly have thought deeply about the philosophy of...
Advanced Topics in Philosophy I: Writing Option (OPHI27)
Topic for Fall 2025: Free Will and Moral Responsibility. In this course we’ll engage with a set of perennial philosophical...
Advanced Topics in Philosophy II: Writing Option (OPHI28)
Topic for Spring 2026: Philosophy of Education. As a student, you almost certainly have thought deeply about the philosophy of...
Worlds of Literature (JE01X)
In this class we use the idea of "world-building" as a way of understanding how to approach works from different...
Fundamentals of Expository Writing (JE001)
Fundamentals of Expository Writing is a year-long course that introduces students to the nuts and bolts of critical reading and...
Taking Literature Apart (JE002)
Taking Literature Apart is a year-long course designed to develop and strengthen students' skills in writing, literary interpretation, and critical...
Fundamentals of Expository Writing Lab (JE01WL)
The OHS Writing and Tutoring Center offers supplemental weekly Writing Labs. These weekly labs are intended to support students in...
Taking Literature Apart Writing Lab (JE02WL)
The OHS Writing and Tutoring Center offers supplemental weekly Writing Labs. These weekly labs are intended to support students in...
Creative Writing (JECW1A)
This course provides a chance for students to explore the craft of writing – poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction –...
Literary Analysis and Argumentation (OE009)
Literary Analysis and Argumentation deepens students' skills in close textual analysis of literature, in making and supporting meaningful arguments, and...
Textual Analysis and Argumentation (OE010)
Textual Analysis and Argumentation is a survey of American literature in a global context. Working with diverse texts, students master...
Modes of Writing and Argumentation (OE011)
Modes of Writing and Argumentation builds upon the argumentative structures and generic terminology covered in TAA to introduce students to...
Textual Analysis and Argumentation Writing Lab (OE10WL)
The OHS Writing and Tutoring Center offers supplemental weekly Writing Labs. These weekly labs are intended to support students in...