Course Catalog 2025-26
Students enrolled as single course students are not eligible to take a Leadership, Homeroom, or Wellness course as their only course. Single course students may add Homeroom or Wellness in addition to their single academic course.
Prealgebra (JM007)
This course provides students with the solid foundation in arithmetic, geometry, measurement, and related topics required for success in Beginning...
Beginning Algebra (OM011)
For students who previously have had little or no formal exposure to algebra. Primary topics include: the elementary structure and...
Intermediate Algebra (OM012)
For students with previous exposure to algebra but not sufficient mastery for Precalculus with Trigonometry (OM013). This course reviews and...
Precalculus with Trigonometry (OM013)
For students who have had substantial previous exposure to algebra. The course builds on and deepens topics from Beginning Algebra...
Geometry and Foundations of Proof (OM015)
This course combines the traditional deductive approach to geometry in the tradition of Euclid with the contemporary computational and discovery...
Single-Variable Calculus (OM045)
This comprehensive course explores the fundamental topics of differential and integral calculus of a single variable, including limits, continuity, rates...
Advanced Problem Solving and Proof Techniques (OM050)
This semester-long course in theoretical mathematics develops students' facility with abstract conceptual work and prepares students for more advanced math...
Statistics and Data Analysis (OM061)
Statistics is an essential part of many disciplines in science and humanities. The purpose of this year-long course is to...
Data Science (OM065)
This class will introduce students to a variety of computer algorithms and the statistical models they represent in order to...
Complex Analysis (UM106)
Theory of differentiation and integration of functions of a complex variable. Topics include a formal introduction to the complex numbers...
Real Analysis (UM115)
This course covers the development of analysis of functions of a real variable, including rigorous proofs of results in single-variable...
Multivariable Calculus (UM150)
Developed in consultation with the Stanford Math Department, Multivariable Calculus offers an innovative year-long integrated treatment of Calculus in several...
Number Theory (UM152)
Introduction to number theory and its applications. Topics: Euclid's algorithm, divisibility, prime numbers, congruence of numbers, theorems of Fermat, Euler...
Logic in Action: A New Introduction to Logic (UM157)
Fall only Logic provides an essential methodological framework of reasoning connecting a wide variety of disciplines in the humanities and...
Discrete Mathematics (UM160)
This semester-long course develops the fundamental theory, structures, and techniques of discrete mathematics. Discrete mathematics is an extremely broad and...
Geometry of Numbers (UM170)
In this semester-long course, students will explore, discover, and prove fundamental properties of the lattice plane. We will formulate and...
Linear Algebra (UM51A)
A proof-based treatment of linear algebra. Topics include a theoretical exploration of matrix properties including building linear algebra from first...
Differential Equations (UM53A)
Basic techniques and methods for solving ordinary differential equations. Topics: linear, separable, and exact equations, existence and uniqueness theorems, difference...
Microeconomic Theory (OEC11)
This course provides a foundation of microeconomic theory and its applications. Students will explore supply and demand functions, including market...
Advanced Topics in Microeconomics (OEC15)
Advanced Topics in Microeconomics is a semester-long course that explores a variety of topics in microeconomics at the post-AP or...